In the coming days and/or weeks, I will be doing a series of blog posts about these guys (Jason Barton and Chris Lockwood – together, making up 33Miles) and their new CD that is set to release in a few months. The heart and passion that these guys operate with is very much a blessing in countless lives. From their website…For Chris and Jason, it’s that pursuit of a Christ-focused, heaven-minded life that fuels everything they do, especially their music. “nothing we can accomplish in business, no amount of education –nothing compares to Jesus,” says Chris, “But how our salvation translates to how we live today is the question. To wake up every day and make the choice to live with heaven in mind, to not let the circumstances of this day override that choice. It’s easier said than done, but getting up every day trying to make it more and more possible.” Jason put it well when he had this to say, “…it came down to, ‘What are we doing to live for Christ today, to make a difference?’ A lot of people live for the future, and a lot of people live in the past, but very few people tend to look at their lives and think about what life can be like right now.”
I recently had the opportunity to ask Chris if there was anything he’d like to say to his listeners. His response was heartfelt as he shared his own gratitude: “With the music industry being such a difficult place to work in these days, it’s our fans that allow us the privilege to even do it. We are nothing without them. Thanks!”
These, my friends, are artists with heart.
Here is a handful of questions I posed on Facebook, with the following thought from me: (If you’re reading this on my blog, and have answers – I’d love to hear your replies as well – feel free to comment below, or to send me a message via my “contact me” page.)
First Question: How many of you have heard of 33Miles with Jason Barton and Chris Lockwood??
Second Question: What is your favorite song by them?
Third Question: Did you know there was a way to support (via Kickstarter) their new worship CD production? And, in so doing, have the ability to hear their new songs as a pre-release?
If you were a part of their Kickstarter campaign, have you listened yet? What’s your favorite song on their new CD?
For those of you who did not participate in their Kickstarter campaign, and who are wondering what in the world I’m talking about it – trust me when I tell you, you need to get your hands on their new CD when it releases in a few months. Talk about God’s heart shared in music, for such a time as this.
What I said on Facebook was just the tip of the iceberg, with regards to my thoughts on this. These songs are the kind of songs that will reach out and touch you – right where you are. It doesn’t matter who you are, or what you are going through – there is something for you in each and every song on this CD. Whether you need encouragement, love or to just take time in worship – this is beautiful music with such a greater message.
As previously mentioned, I will be highlighting my thoughts from the songs on their upcoming CD. I encourage you to get ahold of this CD when it’s released. Let’s support 33 Miles, and show them how much we appreciate the love and heart they put into their music, and on behalf of their fans!
Jason and Chris, always know how much you, also, are loved. Thanks for following the heart of God with passion. What you do has such impact. From a grateful world, thank you!